• EMF related country-specific information for Liechtenstein

    NRA AK, LI
    NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on EMF No
    NRA responsible for monitoring EMF No
    EMF material published by NRA No
    NRA publishes EMF measurements No
    Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF


    Responsible Authority: Office of Environment

    Other noteworthy country specific practices



    ICNIRP exposure level used

    Y/N ?


    Stricter limits in case of „increased sensitivity areas“


  • EMF related country-specific information for Austria

    Cooperation of NRA + Ministry + Interdisciplinary Scientific Advisory Board (focusing on health issues of wireless communications)

    Cooperation with Local + Regional Administrations (Mayors)

    Involvement of Operators


    NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on EMF No
    NRA responsible for monitoring EMF No
    EMF material published by NRA Yes. Information material on 5G published on NRA website is also addressing EMF issues.
    NRA publishes EMF measurements No
    Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF Yes. Cooperation between Ministry (competent for EMF) and NRA, also involving medical experts body dealing with EMF health issues.
    Other noteworthy country specific practices

    5G Fact-Check (Ministry): 

    5G Information (NRA):

    5G FAQs (NRA):

    Transmitter Map (MNO Organisation) including some EMF measurements by MNO organisation:

    ICNIRP exposure level used

    Y/N ?


    ICNIRP 1999/519/EG


    FAQ list addressing various aspects of 5G for communities, majors and the general publicNRA, Ministry and Interdisciplinary Scientific Advisory Board have joined forces to provide the public with facts based on technical, legal and medical knowledge regarding 5G technology, 5G usage scenarios and the ongoing 5G deployment. As most discussions arise on local level the information campaign addresses mayors on local level in order to better prepare them for discussions with the local population.

  • EMF related country-specific information for Belgium

    Cooperation of NRA + competent authorities (health, environmental, radiation protection)

    Involvement of regional (Flemish and Walloon) governments


    NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on EMF No
    NRA responsible for monitoring EMF No
    EMF material published by NRA No
    NRA publishes EMF measurements No
    Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF No
    Other noteworthy country specific practices In Belgium, the regions are responsible for EMF.

    CNIRP exposure level used

    Y/N ?


    Levels (far) below ICNIRP 1999/519/EG


    Department “Omgeving” of the Flemish government monitors the scientific research and publishes these reports on the website: Competent authorities (health, environmental, radiation protection) should work together:

    The Flemish government launched a research project on new evolutions concerning 5G, the societal impact of the rollout of 5G networks on radiation exposure:

    In accordance with the DPR 2019-2024 (“Déclaration de Politique Régionale”), the Walloon government has set up a multidisciplinary Expert Group on 5G whose main report is expected at the end of 2020 to help the regional government in his future decision on 5G deployments in the Walloon region. The question of EMF norms will be part of the expert group work but in a second phase, during 2021. 

  • EMF related country-specific information for Bulgaria

    NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on EMF Ministry of health
    NRA responsible for monitoring EMF Ministry of health

    EMF material published by NRA
    NRA publishes EMF measurements No
    Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF Yes

    Other noteworthy country specific practices

    CRC obliges undertakings to comply with the provisions of Ordinance 9 of 1991, which sets the maximum limits of permissible electromagnetic fields and the conditions for protection of the population from electromagnetic radiation (including emissions from 5G networks). According to this ordinance, the control of these limits is within the competence of the Ministry of Health.

    CRC carried out a news campaign in one of the main online dailies and the topic were discussed at a round table and forum.

    ICNIRP exposure level used

    Y/N ?
  • EMF related country-specific information for Cyprus

    Focal point - Department of Electronic Communications of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy

    Obligation for MNOs to conduct and publish continuous measurements by accredited laboratories


    NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on EMF  
    NRA responsible for monitoring EMF  
    EMF material published by NRA  
    NRA publishes EMF measurements  
    Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF  
    Other noteworthy country specific practices

    ICNIRP exposure level used

    Y/N ?


    ICNIRP 1999/519/EG

    In Cyprus, mobile operators are obliged to conduct continuous measurements by accredited laboratories (2 times per year for urban areas and 1 time per year for rural areas), for all their antennas taking into consideration a worst case scenario. The relevant results are published on the website of the Department of Electronic Communications of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy and are accessible to every citizen:

  • EMF related country-specific information for the Czech Republic

    Cooperation of NRA + Ministry of the Interior + Ministry of Trade and Industry

    Involvement of media + private companies


    NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on EMF  
    NRA responsible for monitoring EMF  
    EMF material published by NRA Yes?
    NRA publishes EMF measurements  
    Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF  
    Other noteworthy country specific practices

    ICNIRP exposure level used

    Y/N ?



    Relevant action has been taken by the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the media, and private companies. The regulator launched an FAQ site dedicated to information 5G technologies, including an email dedicated to collecting feedback and concerns from the public so that these can be addressed adequately:

  • EMF related country-specific information for Denmark

    Cooperation of NRA + Danish Energy Agency (responsible for EMF)

    Involvement of operators (with regard to method for the operator’s calculation and demonstration of the EMF exposure relative to threshold values)

    Involvement of municipalities + operators + several authorities (with regard to site permissions)

    Due to the increasing attention on EMF we have intensified the cooperation with other authorities and focused on public communication, as well as intensifying the monitoring of the operators. There is a great cooperation between the different responsible authorities on health, safety and telecom and all the official announcements have been coordinated amongst these.

    The Danish Energy Agency which monitors EMF has a close dialogue with the operators who also experience that the collaboration (between authorities and operators) is beneficial to them when it helps alleviate concern in the population. The Danish Energy Agency strives to make the monitoring and supervision transparent to all. The Danish Energy Agency and operators have agreed on a method for the operator’s calculation and demonstration of the EMF expo-sure relative to the threshold values, which they will perform on a regular basis.

    The Danish Energy Agency has furthermore had a close dialogue with the municipalities for whom the roll-out of 5G means an increase of applications for permission to set up antennas. Through a cooperation between municipalities, operators and several authorities, a toolbox for application processes has been developed, including content.

  • EMF related country-specific information for Estonia

    Focal points - National Health Board + Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications


    NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on EMF  
    NRA responsible for monitoring EMF  
    EMF material published by NRA  
    NRA publishes EMF measurements  
    Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF  
    Other noteworthy country specific practices

    ICNIRP exposure level used

    Y/N ?


    ICNIRP 2020

    Operators have an obligation to request a permission for the use of radio equipment from National health Board. As well Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications in cooperation designed a webpage with information concerning 5G, explaining the benefits of technology and mitigating fears and concerns of public:

  • EMF related country-specific information for Spain

    NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on EMF No
    NRA responsible for monitoring EMF No
    EMF material published by NRA No
    NRA publishes EMF measurements No. The competent authority does.
    Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation is the competent authority responsible for monitoring EMF. Cooperation with Ministry of Health.
    Other noteworthy country specific practices

    Web of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation publishing EMF measurements:

    ICNIRP exposure level used

    Y/N ?


    ICNIRP 1999/519/EG


    More information, clarity and health organizations involvement is needed.

    Publication of the EMF levels measured with more continuity in time for different periods of time and days.

    Identification of the sites that should be under specific control and follow-up.

    More cosmetic/mimetic or carefully installed sites could be of help as well.

    Specific mechanisms to control EMF levels and power should be implemented in the 5G equipment and 5G networks.

    It is needed countering misinformation at its early stage.

    It is needed to support local municipalities that are the closest entities to citizens.

  • EMF related country-specific information for Finland

    Focal point - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (responsible for the EMF safety of the general public)


    NRA Traficom, FI
    NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on EMF No
    NRA responsible for monitoring EMF No
    EMF material published by NRA No
    NRA publishes EMF measurements No
    Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF Yes, on case-by-case basis with STUK.
    Other noteworthy country specific practices

    Focal point - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (responsible for the EMF safety of the general public).

    Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) is the responsible authority in matters related to general public’s exposure to EMF. Information on EMF safety is available on STUK’s website. For information on 5G networks see:

    ICNIRP exposure level used

    Y/N ?


    ICNIRP 1999\519\EG

    Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) is the responsible authority in matters related to general public’s exposure to EMF. Information on EMF safety is available on STUK’s website. For information on 5G networks see: