BEREC Office Internal Programming Document with Multi-annual Outlook 2016-2018

Document number: MC (14) 129

Document date: 26-11-2014

Date of registration: 26-11-2014

Author: BEREC Office MC

The BEREC Office has developed an internal multi-annual programming document for the period 2016-2018 with the objective to set out:

- the overall strategic programming including the objectives and expected results;

- resource programming including multi-annual budget and staffing.

The resource programming provided in the document is based on the maximum programmed amounts for the EU subsidy and authorised staff in the establishment plan for the BEREC Office as agreed in the multi-annual financial framework 2014-2020. It should be updated annually in order to address the specific needs of BEREC.

The present version of the Internal Programming Document serves as a basis for orientation discussion by the Management Committee to provide guidance to updating the Multi-annual Staff Policy Plan and to drafting the preliminary budget for 2016.

The document has taken into account the BEREC Strategy 2015-2017, the draft revised Rules of Procedure of the Board of Regulators (BoR) and the draft BoR Decision on the EWGs. It also takes account on the observations of the European Court of Auditors (ECA) on the BEREC Office accounts for the financial year 2012 and the respective reports/decision on the discharge, including the advice provided by the Internal Audit Service (IAS) on the outcome of the overall evaluation of the BEREC Office carried out in compliance with Article 25 of the BEREC Regulation. The outcome of the Workshop on Operational Development of the BEREC Office and Management Committee (4 June 2014, Dublin) and the results of the efficiency gains project commissioned by the BEREC Office were also used as input sources.

In that respect it contains a short overview of the outcome of the evaluation of the BEREC Office carried out by an external consultant in 2012, the strategic priorities to be set up by the BEREC Office for the period 2016-2018 and the activities to be undertaken by the BEREC Office for their achievement.[1] COM (2013) 519 final: Communication from the Commission to the EP and the Coucnil: Programming of human and financial resources for decentrialised agencies 2014-2020.

The document is intended for internal use and is not available to the public.