BEREC Opinion on the methodology for the mapping of QoS coverage of Connectivity Indicators for the DDPP

Within the expected update of the Digital Decade KPIs, the Commission intends to develop a „“Methodology on 5G Mobile and Fixed QoS Coverage Mapping“ enabling the mapping of QoS coverage for mobile broadband (in particular 5G). The methodology, which includes definitions, data gathering and modelling for having indicators, will be implemented through a new KPI; once the methodology and the modelling have been set, then the indicators would be used for mapping.

BEREC was asked in early 2024 by the European Commission (EC) for an opinion on the first draft of a methodology for geographical mapping of 5G mobile connectivity and fixed wireless access (FWA) with quality of service (QoS) parameters. According to the EC, the proposal of the methodology will consider the BEREC Guidelines on Geographical Surveys of network deployments in accordance with Art. 22 of the EECC and the mapping Annex (Annex I) of the EU Guidelines on State Aid for Broadband.

Document number: BoR (24) 188
Document date: 05 December 2024
Date of registration: 11 December 2024
Document type:
Author: BEREC