Organisational Charts
In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1971 of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) – the BEREC Regulation – the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) consists of the Board of Regulators (BoR) and Working Groups (WG).

Board of Regulators
The BoR is composed of the heads or nominated high-level representatives of the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) established in each European Union Member State with primary responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day operation of the markets for electronic communications networks and services. Moreover, the BoR is open to the participation of regulatory authorities of third countries where those have entered into agreements with the Union to that effect. The BoR is the main decision-making body.
Working Groups
The WGs are established by the BoR and assist BEREC in performing its tasks and services by working on specific topics included in the Annual Work Programme or arising on an ad hoc basis. Each established Working Group is led by two Co-Chairs from different NRAs and consists of contact points nominated by each NRA.
Contact Network
Moreover, the BoR is assisted by the Contact Network (CN). The CN is composed of senior representatives of the NRAs composing BEREC and is also open to the participation of regulatory authorities of third countries where those entered into agreements with the Union to that effect. Overall, the CN ensures the coordination of the proposals to be considered by the BoR and the Management Board, and prepares the decisions of the latter.
BEREC Office
In accordance with the BEREC Regulation, the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) consists of a Management Board (MB) and a Director.

Management Board
The MB is composed of the heads or nominated high-level representatives of the NRAs established in each European Union Member State with primary responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day operation of the markets for electronic communications networks and services. It is also open to the participation of regulatory authorities of third countries where those have entered into agreements with the Union to that effect. Among others, its tasks are to provide general orientations for the BEREC Office activities, adopt on an annual basis the Single Programming Document and adopt the annual budget.
The Director is responsible for heading the BEREC Office and is its legal representative. Limited to a term of five years, with the possibility of being renewed once, the Director of the BEREC Office is appointed by the MB through an open competition.
At the BEREC Office, the Director steers the Executive Staff and the three units – Administration and Finance Unit, Operation Support Unit and Programme Management Unit. Each unit consists of teams providing support for BEREC on different aspects.
BEREC Office Advisory Group
The BEREC Office Advisory Group (BAG) is set up as a high-level permanent preparatory group with the objective to review and comment on the decisions and documents to be submitted to the MB and may also advise the MB and the Director of the BEREC Office on administrative matters. It is composed of at least six members of the MB, their alternates, or senior representatives from the NRAs, who have relevant experience and knowledge relating to finance, budgeting or human resources administration.
Expert Networking Groups
Expert Networking Groups (ENGs) may be set up by the MB to deliver expertise on specific matters requested by the BEREC Office and undertake clearly defined tasks directly linked to the mandate received in the Single Programming Document or MB establishment Decision. The ENGs are composed of members appointed by the NRAs according to specific criteria, depending on the relevant area of expertise. Each ENG is led by two Co-Chairs.