Working Groups
Article 6(b) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1971 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 establishing the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) – the BEREC Regulation – allows BEREC to organise its work into Working Groups (WGs). To implement the BEREC Work Programme 2025, and based on Decision No BoR/2024/07 of the Board of Regulators on the BEREC Working Groups and their Co-Chairs, the Board of Regulators (BoR) established 12 WGs for the year 2025. The core activity of the WGs is based on the main pillars defined in the BEREC Strategy 2021-2025, as presented below. In accordance with Article 13(1) of the BEREC Regulation, the Board of Regulators (BoR) may set up WGs.
Generally, each WG is led by two co-Chairs from different National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and elected for a period of two years. Every other NRA must nominate a member or a contact for the WG. Participation in a WG must be open to all BEREC Members, Participants without voting rights and the staff of the BEREC Office, who must contribute to the regulatory work and provide administrative support. Moreover, the WGs are also open to the European Commission, which may also nominate its experts.
Following the BEREC Working Groups Rules of Procedure, the WG experts are divided into two categories – members and drafters. Compared to the members, the drafters must actively take part in the preparation of deliverables through active and intensive participation in the work of the WG.
Annual projects
The annual work of a WG must be discussed at an early stage and compiled in a Project Requirements Document (PRD), which is submitted to the Contact Network (CN) and the BoR for approval. Based on the PRD created for each work item, the WGs develop the initial drafts of documents. These are then submitted to the CN, which has the task of assisting the BoR in the adoption of its decisions. The final documents are approved by the BoR, usually at its ordinary plenary meetings, or, in urgent cases, by electronic voting procedures. Moreover, WGs may invite individual experts recognised as competent in the relevant field to participate in their meetings.

Current Working Groups
The tasks of the Work Programme are distributed among the different WGs. Further information about the work of the WGs can be found on their dedicated web pages by clicking on the boxes below.