BEREC Workshop on the impact of 5G Regulation
The development of the 5G ecosystem already involves many aspects of regulation. How it develops as take up increases and service propositions emerge has the potential to affect regulation further. How regulatory impacts are addressed could affect the pace at which innovative services are brought to market and the full market and consumer benefits of this new technology are realised.
In 2019 BEREC developed a report that aims to help National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) for electronic communications anticipate where and how 5G deployment may have an impact on the regulatory environment. To further explore the regulatory requirements from the driving forces of 5G, notably operators, verticals and end-user representatives on 30 March 2020, BEREC will hold a workshop to discuss and share the experience with relevant stakeholders on the impact of 5G regulation.
More detailed programme of the event will be provided at a later stage.
Important: The BEREC workshop is open to public, but due to security reasons, please register in the registration form below in order to receive your entry pass to the European Commission’s premises.
Venue: Albert Borschette Congress Center (CCAB),
Rue Froissart 36,
1040 Brussels, Belgium
Time: tbc
The event will be live-streamed on the BEREC website and recorded video will be available on BEREC YouTube account after the event.