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Call for Communication experts for the BEREC Ad hoc Communication Group 2017

Event Date: 06 January 2017

One of the BEREC communication objectives in the BEREC External Communication Strategy, is to promote BEREC in the individual Member States, mainly by encouraging knowledge exchange between the communication staff of all the BEREC members, who can also act as multipliers (i.e. increase stakeholder awareness).

According to the Communication Strategy, BEREC is going to primarily work through multiplier activities to achieve its communication goals, as the current level of available resources put BEREC in a position where coordinating with, and stimulating, multipliers would make its communication work most effective.

BEREC Communication Plan 2017 (adopted at the last BEREC plenary meeting of 2016), supports the aforementioned communication objective by six communication projects as it foresees the activities listed under each project to be performed by the network of communication experts from all NRAs (Ad hoc Communication Group). Another task for the Group would be to draft the BEREC Communication Plan 2018.

We welcome and encourage communication experts from all NRAs to apply and represent their instituation in the Group!

The deadline is 6 January 2017.