François Weber
Electronic Communications, Postal and Print Media Distribution Regulatory Authority - FranceFrançois Weber is head of the copper and infrastructures unit at the French National Authority (Arcep). He has worked with his team on the regulation of copper switch-off and the revision of the French market analysis decisions setting the regulation of Orange’s copper network and civil engineering infrastructures for the 2024-2028 cycle. He has been a member of the Fixed Network Evolution Working Group (FNE WG) at the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) since January 2023, and has contributed to its works on the access recommendation and on copper switch-off. He was elected Co-chair of the FNE WG of BEREC in December 2023. He previously worked in Rouen in the French Ministry of environment, leading the team in charge of implementing the policies regarding industrial and natural risk prevention for the Normandy region.
François Weber holds a master degree in engineering and data science from École polytechnique and a master in public administration from Mines ParisTech.