Decision No MB/2023/04 of the Management Board of the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) on the Anti-fraud Strategy 2023-2025
The purpose of the BEREC Office Anti-Fraud strategy is to serve as a management tool for the Agency to ensure progress and transparency as regards the protection of the BEREC Office’s financial interests, compliance with EU ethical values and therefore the protection of the Agency’s reputation. Fraud has the potential to jeopardize BEREC and BEREC Office core values (professionalism, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability), which must be preserved in the performance of their tasks and missions assigned by the BEREC Regulation.
Against this background and in line with the requirements of the BEREC Regulation (Art.16.1(e), the Management Board has adopted Decision No MB/2023/04 on BEREC Office Anti-Fraud Strategy 2023-2025. The BEREC Office Anti-Fraud Strategy 2023-2025 sets two key objectives:
1: To improve fraud prevention in the IT working environment
2: To foster ethical behavior of staff and of BEREC members
In order to achieve these objectives, the Agency has designed an Action Plan (Annex II) consisting of eleven actions to be performed from 2023 to 2025 according a given timeline. The strategy and its action plan will be subject to regular reviews and updates in the course of its implementation, whenever necessary, in order to keep in pace with any developments in the legal and financial framework.