BEREC Annual Reports 2015

BEREC has the obligation to adopt:
a) an Annual Report on its Activities (according to Article 5.5 of the BEREC Regulation), which has to be transmitted to the EU institutions by the 15th of June 2016; 
b) an Annual Report on the developments in the electronic communications sector (according to Article 3.1 (n) of the BEREC Regulation). Following the decision taken by the BoR in 2013, the two reports are presented as two parts (part A and Part B) of a single document and are published jointly.

These reports aim to briefly present the activities of BEREC in 2015 in accordance with Article 5(5) of the BEREC Regulation. Following the usual procedure, the annual report on BEREC activities in 2014 is based on the work streams and priorities identified in the work programme for 2015.


Document number: BoR (16) 66
Document date: 26 April 2016
Date of registration: 28 April 2016
Document type:
Author: BEREC