BEREC Annual Reports 2016
Under the Article 5.5 of BEREC Regulation (EC) No 1211/2009, BEREC has an obligation to present an annual report of activities. BEREC also has an obligation to adopt an annual report on the developments in the electronic communications sector based on Article 3.1 (n) of the BEREC Regulation. Following the decision taken by the Board of Regulators in 2013, the reports are prepared and published together.
The first report (part A) deals with BEREC’s work and achievements in the light of the BEREC Work Programme 2016, whereas the second one (part B) deals with developments in the electronic communications sector in 2016.. As usual, the annual report on BEREC’s work and achievements is based on the work streams and priorities that were laid out in the BEREC Work Programme for the respective year and updated afterwards. This report mainly covers the work carried out by the expert working groups (EWGs) and ad hoc teams. Each section of this report contains a description of the work undertaken in 2016 and a list of the documents produced within each work stream. Article 7/7a cases are presented in a similar manner.