Decision No BoR/2022/02 of the Board of Regulators on the appointment of the Planning and Future Trends Working Group Co-Chair

The Board of Regulators may decide to create Working Groups (hereinafter WGs) to assist with the performance of the tasks and functions of BEREC and request the Office to provide support. The decision that appoints WG co-Chairs shall be approved by the BoR. Each WG shall be led by two co-Chairs, from different NRAs, unless in exceptional and temporary circumstances. WGs shall be open to all members and observers. Current decision appoints new Planning and Future Trends co-chair WG for the remaining period up to 31 December 2022.

Document number: BoR (22) 110
Document date: 07 July 2022
Date of registration: 14 July 2022
Document type:
Author: BEREC