Proposal for BEREC participation to the DMA High-Level Group
Article 40 of the DMA Regulation requires the European Commission to set up a High-Level Group with advisory tasks vis-à-vis the Commission itself for the implementation of the legal provisions. Together with other European advisory bodies, BEREC is to be part of this Group which should have 30 members overall, with an equal number of representatives from all the entities involved (which means 6 representatives for each body).
Considering that the DMA Regulation entered into force on the 1st of November 2022, in December 2022 BEREC has entrusted the RF WG to prepare rules for the designation of its delegation for the participation to the HLG. This document intends to establish such procedures.
Following up on the discussion that took place during P4 2022, taking also into account the letter sent on the 7th of December by the Commission and further information exchanges with the Commission officials, the RF WG co-chairs prepared an initial document to be used for deciding on the internal selection process for the formal nomination, once the decision establishing the HLG is adopted by the Commission.
To this purpose, an electronic CN comments round was held from 22 December 2022 to 11 January 2023. Comments were received from the EC, CNMC, OCECPR and Arcep.
Based on the comments received at CN level, the RF WG co-chairs adapted the document, aiming at pursuing a leaner approach to the procedure. The proposal is built on an open call for applications and on a subsequent round of informal consultations run by the Chair and the mini-Board among applicants, followed by a proposal to the BoR. The document remains internal.