BEREC Opinion on the European Commission’s proposal for a Digital Markets Act
On 15 December 2020, the European Commission (EC) published a proposal for a Digital Markets Act (DMA), introducing a series of rules for platforms acting as gatekeepers in the digital sector. BEREC strongly supports the EC’s ambition to create contestable and fair markets in the digital sector for the benefit of European citizens and businesses. In September 2020, BEREC shared its opinion on the DSA Package and the NCT public consultations , and a report on the ex ante regulation of digital gatekeepers is further detailing BEREC’s proposals.
While providing innovative services benefiting a large number of users and businesses, some digital platforms have been increasingly acting as gatekeepers with business users and end-users , and as gateways to an overarching variety of goods, services and information, as well as to inputs and assets which are essential for the digital markets to thrive. BEREC welcomes the ex ante asymmetric regulatory intervention towards these digital gatekeepers which is necessary to ensure that competition and innovation are encouraged, that end-users’ interests are protected and that the digital environment is open and competitive.