BEREC response to the public consultation on the draft revised European Commission Guidelines on State aid for broadband networks

BEREC welcomes the opportunity to submit its input regarding the draft revised European Commission (EC) Guidelines on State aid for broadband networks (hereinafter: “Draft Guidelines”) . BEREC supports the approach adopted by the Commission, that is to say the improvement of the Guideline in order to reflect technological and market developments to best accompany the necessary investments in the coming years in a manner compatible with the internal market and the achievement of the connectivity objectives for 2030.

The BEREC response to the public consultation on the Draft Guidelines consists of the following parts: (i) Part I: Draft Guidelines except Annex I ‘Mapping’ and (ii) Part: II: Annex I ‘Mapping’ of the Draft Guidelines.

Document number: BoR (22) 16
Document date: 10 February 2022
Date of registration: 11 February 2022
Document type:
Author: BEREC