Guide to the BEREC 5G Radar and 5G Radar
5G is one of BEREC’s strategic priorities set out in the draft strategy for 2021 – 2025 , underscoring that 5G continues to be a key area as it was already set out in the current BEREC strategy. Over the past years several 5G-related activities have been going on in various working groups and committees. The challenges that need to be addressed range from work on standards, interoperability, new business models, spectrum availability and network sharing, coverage, Quality of Service (QoS), security and resilience. BEREC has identified 5G as a strategic priority with the aim to enable European-scale solutions that promote competition, to being consistent with the EU regulatory framework and which may help reap the benefits of an early and coherent implementation of 5G in terms of innovation, productivity and growth in the internal market. To this end, BEREC will – within the scope of its competence – continue to actively follow the development of 5G and, where relevant, work in cooperation with other EU bodies (in particular the RSPG) to ensure a smooth and quick implementation of 5G in the Member States.