Margin squeeze test – what and how?

The draft BEREC Guidance on the regulatory accounting approach to the economic replicability test (i.e. ex-ante/sector specific margin squeeze tests) was discussed and agreed at the 20th BEREC Board of Regulators meeting in Rome on 26 September 2014. Additionally BEREC decided to organise a public hearing on the document, which was held during the 2nd BEREC Stakeholder Forum meeting (Brussels, 16 October 2014).

The presentation made by European Competitive Telecommunications Association ( ECTA)  , during the session dedicated to the economic replicability test / ex-ante/sector specific margin squeeze tests is provided below.

More information on the Stakeholder Forum can be found here.

Document number: BoR (14) 149
Document date: 16 October 2014
Date of registration: 17 October 2014
Document type:
Author: ECTA