Presentation of the BEREC Guidance on the regulatory accounting approach to the economic replicability test (ex-ante/sector specific margin squeeze tests)

During its 20th plenary meeting (25-26 September 2014, Rome) BEREC approved for public consultation the following documents:

- Draft BEREC Strategy 2015-2017,

- Draft BEREC Work Programme 2015,

- Draft BEREC Guidance on the regulatory accounting approach to the economic replicability test (ex-ante margin squeeze test).

Additionally BEREC organised a public hearing on all documents listed above, which was held during the 2nd BEREC Stakeholder Forum meeting (Brussels, 16 October 2014).

The presentation made by the BEREC Regulatory Accounting EWG Co-chair (BNetzA) and the Drafting team Leader (AKOS) on the draft BEREC Guidance on the regulatory accounting approach to the economic replicability test (ex-ante/sector specific margin squeeze tests) is available below.

More information on the Stakeholder Forum can be found here.

Document number: BoR (14) 146
Document date: 16 October 2014
Date of registration: 17 October 2014
Document type:
Author: BEREC