Methodology for monitoring the application of the BEREC common positions on WLA, WBA and WLL

In 2012 BEREC adopted its revised Common Positions (CPs) listing the best practice remedies to be implemented in Markets 4: Wholesale Local Access (WLA), Market 5: Wholesale Broadband Access (WBA) and Market 6: Wholesale Leased Lines (WLL). In compliance with the BEREC 2013 WP, the next step in the process is the development of a methodology to monitor how NRAs have implemented the revised CPs. In that respect the current draft Methodology for monitoring the implementation of the BEREC CPs on WLA, WBA and WLL has been submitted for approval by the BoR during its 16th plenary meeting (26.09.2013, Riga).

Document number: BoR (13) 108
Document date: 16 September 2013
Date of registration: 27 September 2013
Document type:
Author: BEREC