BEREC Analysis Monitoring of measures in relation to the war in Ukraine

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, BEREC has closely followed the telecommunications sector’s response to the crisis and welcomed the measures voluntarily provided by EU operators. In order to get a full picture of what has been implemented by operators, BEREC in March started to collect information from NRAs and operators. In May, BEREC continued with a second data collection exercise, with the aim of gathering more detailed information covering not only the retail measures applied by EU and Ukrainian operators but also the relevant wholesale measures agreed in the Joint Statement. This Joint Statement establishes a stable framework to help people fleeing the war in Ukraine stay in touch with family and friends back home and maintain access to information. This data collection was launched after the signing of the Joint Statement[1] between some EU operators and the three Ukrainian mobile operators. This Report presents the result of this exercise. 


[1] Joint Statement by EU and Ukrainian operators to help refugees from Ukraine stay connected | Shaping Europe’s digital future (

Document number: BoR (22) 95
Document date: 04 July 2022
Date of registration: 04 July 2022
Document type:
Author: BEREC