BEREC Report on ECA Audit recommendations for 5G cybersecurity

The BEREC 5G Cybersecurity Working Group prepared an internal BEREC report in October 2021 based on the information collected through the questionnaire prepared by the European Court of Auditors (ECA). The questionnaire for NRAs sought for their view on whether the EU and its Member States are rolling out secure 5G networks in a timely and concerted manner.

In January 2022 the ECA issued Special Report 03/2022: 5G roll-out in the EU: delays in deployment of networks with security issues remaining unresolved issued (Special Report). The Special Report calls for new impetus to boost the roll-out of 5G, the new global wireless standard for mobile networks, in the EU. It provides insights and recommendations for the timely deployment of secure 5G networks across all the EU countries.

BEREC analysed the ECA’s Recommendations aiming at providing its views and proposals for future actions to help with the Recommendations implementation.

In this report BEREC presents its past activities that are related to some of the recommendations formulated by the ECA.

Document number: BoR (22) 197
Document date: 12 December 2022
Date of registration: 12 December 2022
Document type:
Author: BEREC