BEREC Report on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions in the telecommunications sector on regulation

Although most artificial intelligence (AI) systems in the telecommunications sector are still in a development phase, AI is expected to play an important role in the sector in the mid-term. This BEREC report seeks to identify these developments in selected use cases, to assess if those use cases may have an impact on regulation, and to raise further awareness of the different use cases as well as the benefits and risks of opportunities regarding the application of AI in the sector.
Since 2017, the European institutions have intensified their attention on AI, fostering its development while ensuring that EU values and citizens’ rights are preserved. At the moment of writing this report, a draft Artificial Intelligence Act is being discussed by the European co-legislators. The objective of this regulation is ensuring that AI systems in the EU are safe and in line with EU law as well as providing legal certainty to facilitate investment and innovation in AI. This legal framework will be complemented by the recently proposed draft AI Liability Directive.

Document number: BoR (23) 93
Document date: 08 June 2023
Date of registration: 13 June 2023
Document type:
Author: BEREC