BEREC Report Regulatory Accounting in Practice 2018

Document number: BoR (18) 215

Document date: 06-12-2018

Date of registration: 12-12-2018

Document type:
Author: BEREC

This is the 14th RA annual report which summarises the findings of a detailed survey of regulatory accounting systems across Europe. Information has been gathered from National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and covers the implementation of regulatory cost accounting methodologies. It includes the state of play in terms of remedies of market regulation and focuses on price control, and the way in which it is defined in practice. The report provides also
(i) elements about structural parameters of each country,
(ii) WACC methodologies applied by NRAs and WACC values currently in force.
The document offers an up-to-date factual report on the regulatory accounting frameworks implemented by NRAs and an assessment of the level of consistency achieved. Where possible, trends and comparisons with data collected in the past years are illustrated.