BEREC Report Secure 5G networks

In 2023 the BEREC surveyed European markets through questionnaires. The objective was to understand the present status of resilience and security in electronic communications networks within the participating countries. The survey, prepared by BEREC in collaboration with ENISA, the Commission, and the NIS CG, comprised two questionnaires—one for National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and another one for operators.

This report presents the results of the analysis of the responses received from the participating NRAs and operators, mainly within the EU, but also from a small number of non-EU countries. As an outcome from the results obtained, there is a number of possible issues that could be considered for further investigation.

Document number: BoR (23) 180
Document date: 05 October 2023
Date of registration: 10 October 2023
Document type:
Author: BEREC Chair