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1st Contact Network meeting for 2013 in Switzerland

Event Date: 07 February 2013
Event Location: Montreux, Switzerland

The first meeting of the BEREC Contact Network  (CN) took place on 7 and 8 February 2013 in Montreux (Switzerland) and was kindly hosted by the Federal Communications Commission - ComCom

This was the first CN meeting under the 2013 chairmanship of BEREC and was chaired by Dr Minas Karatzoglou from the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT), as a representative of the BEREC Chair - Dr Leonidas Kanellos.

The CN discussed all topics to be submitted for consideration and for decisions to the 14th meeting of the Board of Regulators and the BEREC Office Management Committee to take place on 7 and 8 March 2013 in Ljubljana.

More information about the specific topics discussed during the meeting can be found in the documents available below.