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Hearing session on M2M for EU electronic communications operators

Event Date: 29 September 2014

Announcement:  Hearing session on M2M for EU electronic communications operators

With the  aim of  identifying any possible intersection of Machine to Machine (M2M) services with the EU electronic communications regulatory framework, the BEREC Framework Implementation Expert Working Group is organizing a session of hearings dedicated specifically to electronic communications operators on September 29 and 30, 2014 in IRG/BEREC premises, rue de la Science 14, 3rd floor,  Brussels,  Belgium.

Interested operators are therefore invited to the hearings, for which they should register on BEREC website, by 15 September 2014. The hearings will focus on the topics of interest identified below. An advance written contribution on the relevant topic (to be sent by e-mail to [email protected]) would be appreciated.

Topics of interest for the BEREC M2M investigation:

·        The distinctive M2M features from the point of view of the regulation

·        The main players involved in the development and delivery of M2M services

·        The main applications developed today in Europe (e.g. connected cars, smart meters, smart grids, smart cities)

·        The potential issues regarding the availability of resources in the mid- long term (e.g. with regard to numbering, spectrum)

·        Access to roaming infrastructures

·        Any other aspects relevant to M2M (e.g., competition, security, privacy)

·        Views on possible forward looking regulatory approaches.