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2nd Contact Network meeting for 2016 in Budapest

Event Date: 12 May 2016
Event Location: Budapest, Hungary

The 2nd Contact Network meeting for 2016 will take place on 12 and 13 May 2016 in Budapest (Hungary), kindly hosted by the Hungarian National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH).

The main objective of the meeting was to prepare the 27th ordinary plenary meetings of the BEREC Board of Regulators (BoR) and the BEREC Office Management Committee (MC) to take place on 2 and 3 June 2016 in Vienna (Austria). Consequently the BEREC Contact Network (CN) considered all possible topics to be included in the BoR and MC agendas and concluded the following:

  • Documents to be submitted to the BoR

The CN agreed to submit the following documents to the BoR:

  1. As ‘A’ items (without presentation and discussion) for approval for publication:
  • Draft Report on Termination rates at European level January 2016;
  • Draft BoR Decision amending Decision BoR (11) 37 on the Establishment of a Public Register of the BEREC Documents;

 As ‘A’ items (without presentation and discussion) for approval for internal use:

  • Draft BEREC Communication Strategy ;
  • Draft BEREC Communications Plan 2016;

    As regular items (with presentation and discussion):

    For approval and publication:
  • Draft BEREC response to the European Commission’s public consultation on the evaluation of the Termination Rates Recommendation 2009/396/EC;
  • Draft Input paper on potential regulatory implications of SDN and NFV;

    For approval for public consultations:
  • Draft BEREC Common Position on layer 2 wholesale access products;
  • Draft BEREC Report on challenges and drivers of NGA roll out and infrastructure competition;
  • Draft BEREC Guidelines on Regulators’ Implementation of European Net Neutrality rules;

    For approval for internal use:
  • Draft Rules of procedure for the Information Sharing Portal and oral report on experiences during “testing phase”;

    For information and consideration:
  • Regulatory treatment of termination rate for voice calls originated outside the European Economic Area;
  • BEREC input to the European Commission implementing acts on fair use policy and sustainability of the abolition of retail roaming surcharges;
  • Draft BEREC input paper on OTTs/CAPs;
  • Outline of the BEREC 2017 Work Programme;
  • Work Programme 2016 status update;
  • Overview of the electronic voting procedures since the 26th plenary meetings (25-26 February 2016, Rotterdam);
  • Preliminary schedule for the ordinary BEREC and Contact Network (CN) meetings in 2017;
  • BEREC International Activities.

The BoR will be briefed in relation to the recent activities of the BEREC Chair and important events, in which he took part on behalf of BEREC, important projects carried out by the BEREC Office in support to BEREC and the recent and forthcoming BEREC international activities.

The Commission was also invited to provide the BoR with information on other important activities not included in the meeting agenda.

Other important topics discussed

The CN agreed to launch the Information Sharing Portal (ISP) for the public after the BoR  have approved the document.


Documents to be submitted to the BEREC Office MC

The CN agreed to submit the following documents to the MC:

  1. As ‘A’ items (without presentation and discussion) - for approval for publication:
  • Draft MC Decision amending Decision MC (11) 22 on the Public Register of the BEREC Office Documents;
  • Draft MC Decision on general implementing provisions regarding Article 54 of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (reclassification of temporary staff);
  • Draft MC Decision general implementing provisions regarding Article 87(3) of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (reclassification of contract staff);

    As regular items (with presentation and discussion):

For approval for publication:

  • Draft 2015 BEREC Office CAAR;
  • Draft MC Opinion on the 2015 BEREC Office Final Accounts (subject to the receipt of the Final Accounts);
  • Draft MC Decision on traineeship programme;

         For information and discussion:

  • 2016 BEREC Office quarterly Report on operation and budget execution;
  • Transfers by the BEREC Office Administrative Manager in the BEREC Office Budget in the period January-March 2016.

Furthermore, the MC will consider in closed session (heads only) the draft Evaluation Report of the AM.

The next meeting of the CN will take place on 15 and 16 September 2016 in Limassol (Cyprus) and will be hosted by the Cypriot Office of the Commissioner of Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation (OCECPR).