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Public debriefing from the 26th plenary meeting

Event Date: 02 March 2016
Event Location: Brussels, Belgium

On 2 March 2016, in Brussels, BEREC held the public debriefing for presenting the results from its 26th plenary meeting, which took place on 25 and 26 February 2016 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

The debriefing was chaired by BEREC Chair 2016 Wilhelm Eschweiler (BNetzA, Germany), who presented the main outcomes of the plenary meetings and the plenary workshop on net neutrality, which took place on 24 February 2016.

Main topics presented during the public debriefing were the following:

The debriefing was web-streamed. All interested parties can watch the video recording on demand at the link for web-streaming.

All interest parties can consult also the presentation of the BEREC Chair from the current section. More information about the outcome of the plenary meeting can be found here.