1st Contact Network meeting for 2017 in Malmo, Sweden
The 1st Contact Network meeting for 2017 took place on 2 and 3 February 2017 in Malmo (Sweden), kindly hosted by the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority .
The event was open for participation only to Contact Network Members. To increase the transparency of the Contact Network work the BEREC Office publishes the meeting agenda and meeting conclusions.
The objective of the meeting was to prepare the 30th ordinary plenary meetings of the BEREC Board of Regulators (BoR) and the BEREC Office Management Committee (MC) due to take place on 23 and 24 February 2017 in Paris (France). Consequently, the BEREC Contact Network (CN) considered all possible topics to be included in the BoR and MC agendas and concluded the following:
Documents to be submitted to the BoR
The CN agreed to submit the following documents to the BoR:
As ‘A’ items (without presentation and discussion) for approval for publication:
- Draft decision appointing a new MEA EWG Co-chair;
As regular items (with presentation and discussion):
For approval and publication:
- Draft Agenda for the 30th BoR plenary meeting;
- Draft BEREC update survey on the implementation and application of the universal service provisions – a synthesis of the results;
- Draft BEREC summary report on the outcomes of the IoT workshop;
For approval for public consultation:
- Draft public consultation document on the BEREC Mid-term strategy 2018-2020;
For approval for internal use:
- Draft BEREC Report on the implementation of symmetric regulation: description of existing practices and consideration of future challenges;
For information and consideration/discussion:
- PRD on BEREC Mid-term Strategy 2018-2020;
- 2017 BEREC Work Programme status update;
- Information on the electronic voting procedures since the last plenary meeting;
- Information on the planned electronic voting procedures;
The Board of Regulators will be informed about the ongoing review of the telecommunications regulatory framework, work progress on the draft BEREC Guidelines on Regulation (EU) No.531/2012 as amended by Regulation (EU) No.2120/2015 (Excluding Articles 3,4 and 5 on wholesale access and separate sale of services), draft 18th International Roaming BEREC Benchmark Data Report and follow-up of WACC study by the EC. The BoR will also have the opportunity to exchange national experiences on implementation of net neutrality rules.
The BoR will be briefed on the recent activities of the BEREC Chair, important events in which he took part on behalf of BEREC, important projects carried out by the BEREC Office in support of BEREC as well as work progress on the draft BEREC Annual Activity Report, and the recent and forthcoming BEREC international activities. The Commission was also invited to provide the BoR with information on recent important developments and activities related to the international roaming, telecommunication framework review, e-privacy directive and other important initiatives.
Documents to be submitted to the BEREC Office MC
The CN agreed to submit the following documents to the MC:
As ‘A’ items (without presentation and discussion) for approval for publication:
- BEREC Office Anti-Fraud Strategy
Alongside ‘A’ items (without presentation and discussion) - for information:
- BEREC Office Quarterly Report on operation and budget execution in the period January – September 2016;
- Explanatory note on transfers by the BEREC Office Administrative Manager in the BEREC Office Budget in the period October-December 2016;
- BEREC Office Report on implementation of the budget and on budgetary and financial management 2016;
As regular items (with presentation and discussion):
For approval and publication:
- Draft Agenda for the 30th MC plenary meeting.
For information:
- BEREC Office Strategic Internal Audit Plan 2017-2019.
The MC will be briefed in relation to the recent activities of the BEREC Office Advisory Group (BAG), the activities of the MC Vice-Chair exercising the powers conferred on the appointing authority by the Staff Regulations of Officials of the EU and the powers conferred on the authority entitled to conclude contracts by the Conditions of employment of other servants of the EU.