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Public debriefing from 33rd BEREC plenary meetings

Event Date: 13 December 2017
Event Location: Brussels, Belgium

On 13 December 2017, in Brussels, BEREC held a public debriefing to give an overview of the outcomes of the 33rd plenary meetings of 7-8 December in Copenhagen, Denmark. The BEREC Chair Sébastien Soriano, on this occasion, came back on the work done by BEREC in 2017. He also presented and answered questions, together with BEREC Incoming Chair Johannes Gungl and Co-Chairs of Expert Working Groups, on the following topics:

  • Net Neutrality: report on one year of implementation of Open internet Regulation in Europe;
  • Business markets: Non-residential market indicators for the European Commission’s Digital Scoreboard;
  • Next generation networks:
    • Implementation of the broadband cost reduction directive (BCRD);
    • Analysis of individual NRAs’ current work around conditions to state aid funded infrastructure;
  • Mobile: BEREC work on monitoring of mobile coverage and BEREC/RSPG work on connectivity in challenge areas;
  • Wrap-up of BEREC work in 2017;
  •  Presentation of BEREC work programme for 2018.







Video from the public debriefing