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BEREC Workshop on Intra–EU Communication Services

Event Date: 29 January 2019
Event Location: Brussels, Belgium

On 29 January 2019 BEREC held a special workshop dedicated to the Intra-EU communication services. The event was organized in the framework of the amendments to Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 which introduce new EU rules on retail price caps for Intra-EU communications (fixed and mobile calls and SMS). They are due to apply from 15 May 2019. The purpose of the Workshop was to bring together relevant stakeholders to discuss the implementation on Intra-EU communications regulation.

BEREC will draft Guidelines with the aim to ensure a coherent application of the Regulation in the Member States, insofar as it is required for the guidance of the derogation. These Guidelines will include general provisions, as well as specific rules where BEREC defines parameters to assess the sustainability of these provisions.

The information and views set out in the presentation slides do not necessarily reflect the official final BEREC Opinion.