BEREC Workshop on the update of its Net Neutrality Guidelines
On 29 May 2019 BEREC held a workshop on the update of the BEREC Net Neutrality Guidelines.
As has been previously communicated via the BEREC 2019 work programme and through other channels, the Open Internet working group within BEREC is currently in the process of updating the 2016 Net Neutrality guidelines (BoR (16) 127) based on BEREC’s opinion (BoR (18) 244), 2018 consultation report (BoR (18) 245) and NRA experience.
While there will be a written public consultation on the draft updated guidelines document starting in October 2019, BEREC wishes to create an opportunity for face to face stakeholder engagement in this process.
To meet this goal BEREC invited stakeholders to present information on the specific use cases which they feel are restricted by the current Net Neutrality guidelines. The event was divided in to four sessions, and durations have been selected based on stakeholder’s presentation requests.
Presenters: DIGITALEUROPE, EBU, EDRi, ETNO-GSMA, Nokia, Selfie Networks, Vodafone, VTKE
Video-recording of the workshop.