Public debriefing on outcomes of the 38th BEREC ordinary meetings
Event Date:
13 March 2019
Event Location:
Brussels, Belgium
Call for input VHCN guidelines
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BEREC Chair Jeremy Godfrey (ComReg, Ireland) presented the outcomes of the 38th Board of Regulators ordinary meetings, which was the first meeting after the adoption of the European Electronic Communications Code. The main topics to present during the event were:
- BEREC guidelines on Intra-EU communications;
- The process for developing BEREC’s Work programme;
- BEREC Report on pricing for access to infrastructure and civil works according to the BCRD;
- BEREC Report on Internet of Things (IoT) indicators;
- BEREC Report on Terminating Contracts and Switching Provider.
BEREC has to issue guidelines on very high capacity networks according to the new European Electronic Communications Code (Art. 82).
As a first step, BEREC would like to call for initial stakeholder input.
Details on the call for input are provided in the “Call for initial stakeholder input” document. Please send your input to [email protected] by 5 April at the latest.
View the recording of the public debriefing.