BEREC Chairs webinar on BEREC Strategy and Work Programme 2021
Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus in Europe, BEREC is going virtual and postponing events originally scheduled in March and April. BEREC will continue to closely monitor the situation and will inform you of any further changes as they occur.
BEREC Chairs engaged virtually with stakeholders on the Strategy and Work Programme 2021
As the annual BEREC Stakeholder Forum has been postponed, BEREC Chair Dan Sjöblom and Vice-Chair Michel Van Bellinghen invited all stakeholders to join a live stream on 1 April 2020 at 14:00 CET on BEREC website to share their views on the BEREC Work Programme 2021 and the Strategy 2021-2025. The stakeholders were invited to send questions to the speakers in advance. It was possible to ask questions during the livestream as well.
We will provide updated information on the new date and venue for the physical BEREC Stakeholder Forum as soon as possible.
Video recording of the Webinar
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