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Public debriefing on outcomes of the 44th BEREC ordinary meetings

Event Date: 06 October 2020
Event Location: virtual event

The BEREC public debriefing took place virtually on 6 October and highlighted the outcomes of the 44th BEREC plenary meeting.

The BEREC Chair, Dan Sjöblom introduced the newly elected BEREC Chair for 2022, Vice-Chairs for 2021 and the representative of participants without voting rights to the Mini-board.

Michel Van Bellinghen, BEREC incoming Chair  presented the Work Programme 2021 for public consultation, as well as invited stakeholders  to the BEREC Stakeholder Forum, which is taking place virtually on the 19 October.

During the public debriefing, BEREC presented the adopted BEREC Guidelines on Very High Capacity Networks, as well as the BEREC input to the open public consultation on the Digital Service Act (DSA) and the BEREC opinion on the revision of the Commission’s access recommendations.

BEREC representatives also presented the report on the Implementation of Regulation on the BEREC Open Internet Guidelines, the adopted Guidelines on intra-EU communications, the 1st Intra-EEA communications benchmark report and the 25th BEREC International Roaming Benchmark Data Report.

During the Q&A sessions, the stakeholders had the opportunity to interact live with the BEREC Chairs and the Working group Co-Chairs.







The Agency for Support for BEREC ensures the accessibility to the BEREC online events, as follows: 

- Information on the event is published duly on the BEREC website

- Invitation to the potential participants is circulated on social media – Twitter #BERECpublic and LinkedIn, as well as to the subscribed stakeholders’

- The public events are live-streamed on the landing page of the BEREC website. It appears 5-10 min before the start. By the end of this year, it is foreseen to introduce a real-time captioning during the livestreaming. Besides, it is also foreseen to ensure subtitles of the recorded videos published on the BEREC YouTube channel

- Stakeholders are given opportunity to interact with speakers of events by using the digital tools, such as,  video conference platform, social media platform Twitter (a dedicated hashtag is provided per event) or email (functional email of the BEREC Office Communications team – [email protected]).