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Virtual meeting with stakeholders on the draft BEREC Guidelines on Very High Capacity Networks

Event Date: 17 March 2020
Event Location: Brussels , Belgium

In the European Electronic Communications Code, the co-legislators have entrusted BEREC to draft Guidelines on the Very High Capacity Networks. The document will provide guidance to NRAs on the criteria that a network has to fulfil in order to be considered a very high capacity network, in particular in terms of down- and uplink bandwidth, resilience, error-related parameters, latency and its variation. The Guidelines shall contribute to the harmonisation of the definition of the term ‘very high capacity networks’ in the EU.

During its public debriefing on 10 March, BEREC Chair launched the public consultation on the draft document. With a view to develop a constructive dialogue with stakeholders and to present the draft Guidelines on Very High Capacity Networks, BEREC organized a meeting on 17 March 2020. Due to the outbreak of the corona virus, the meeting was virtual.

The Co-Chair of the Fixed Network Evolution Working Group, Wilhelm Schramm hosted the meeting and participating stakeholders had the possibility to ask questions in order to better understand the draft BEREC Guidelines on Very High Capacity Networks. This engagement shall help stakeholders to prepare their written response to the public consultation of these draft Guidelines.