Online workshop on the BEREC Report to enable comparable national broadband coverage indicators throughout Europe
On 12 October 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 CET, BEREC held a public virtual workshop concerning the “BEREC Report to enable comparable national broadband coverage indicators throughout Europe”.
Taking into account stakeholders’ expertise in broadband coverage estimation and since they constitute the primary source of raw coverage data, the workshop aimed to gather and discuss stakeholders’ views regarding the methodology underlying the European Commission Broadband Coverage Reports. The input received during the workshop is to be considered for any upcoming recommendations that BEREC may elaborate.
After introductory words of the BEREC Chair and the Statistics & Indicators Working Group Co-chairs on current work and progress of BEREC’s work regarding broadband coverage indicators, the distinguished speakers came together in the setting of a round-table to present their views. During the round-table, BEREC looked for insights regarding the relevant indicators, their comparability and usefulness, the role of the operators and several methodological issues, including challenges in 5G mapping.
The round-table followed by a Q&A session and concluded by short statements of the distinguished speakers and the BEREC Statistics & Indicators Working Group Co-chairs.