Public debriefing on outcomes of the 48th BEREC ordinary meetings
On 6 October 2021, BEREC held the public debriefing to present the results from its 48th ordinary meetings (29 September - 30 September 2021). The event took place at the IRG Secretariat, Rue de la Science 14, Brussels, at 14:00 CET and was also streamed live.
During the public debriefing, BEREC Chair Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT, Belgium) and BEREC Working Group Co-chairs presented the outcomes of the BEREC plenary meetings and paid particular attention to the following topics:
- ex-ante regulation of digital gatekeepers;
- how to handle third-party payment charges on mobile phone bills;
- implementation of the Open Internet Regulation and the Recent CJEU rulings regarding net neutrality;
- regulatory treatment for fixed and mobile backhaul;
- harmonized definitions for indicators regarding over-the-top services relevant to electronic communications markets.
The incoming BEREC Chair 2022, Annemarie Sipkes (ACM, the Netherlands), presented the draft BEREC Work Programme 2022 and informed speakers about a further discussion of it during the BEREC Stakeholder Forum on October 28 in Brussels.
Download the presentation
Watch the recorded video