BEREC Stakeholder Workshop on ICT Sustainability
Following the publication of BEREC draft Report on ICT’s Impact on the Environment, BEREC is organised an online Stakeholder Workshop on 4 April 2022. The aim of the Workshop was to feed the public consultation on the Report by exchanging views on key environmental challenges raised by the digital sector with expert organizations and stakeholders.
Agenda of the workshop :
13.30-13.35 Welcome by BEREC Chair 2023, Kostas Masselos
President of the Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT)
13.35-13.50 Introductory remarks by the European Commission: ICT-related goals in the European Green Deal and initiatives on digital transformation sustainability
Ilias Iakovidis, Adviser at the European Commission, DG CONNECT coordinating the work related to Green digital transformation
13.50-14.05 The state of play in the European Parliament
MEP David Cormand, IMCO Committee (rapporteur of the “Towards a more sustainable single market for business and consumers” report)
14.05-14.20 Presentation of BEREC’s report on ICT Sustainability (draft), Kateřina Děkanovská and Sandrine Elmi Hersi, Co-Chairs of BEREC Sustainability Working Group
Q&A session with the audience
14.20-15.30 Stakeholders Roundtable with :
• Luis Neves, CEO of Gesi
• Frédéric Bordage, Founder of Green IT
• Lise Breteau, Lawyer of Green IT
• Astrid Jacobsen, Head of the Group Sustainability Transition of the European Environmental Agency
Q&A session with the audience
Recorded video