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Public debriefing on the outcomes of the 51st BEREC ordinary meetings

Event Date: 15 June 2022
Event Location: Brussels, Belgium

To present the outcomes of the 51st ordinary meetings, BEREC held a public debriefing on 15 June 2022. 

During the public debriefing, the BEREC Chair Annemarie Sipkes and the BEREC Working Group Co-Chairs presented the documents that were adopted during the plenary meetings, followed by a Q&A session to answer questions from stakeholders. The adopted documents concern the following topics:
•    Update of the BEREC Guidelines on the implementation of the Open Internet Regulation;
•    Update to the BEREC Net Neutrality Regulatory Assessment Methodology; 
•    BEREC’s contribution to limiting the impact of the digital sector on the environment. 

The BEREC Chair and the BEREC Working Group Co-Chairs also presented to stakeholders the documents that were approved for public consultations:
•    Draft BEREC Guidelines on the new Roaming Regulation (EU) 2022/612 and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/2286 (Retail Roaming Guidelines);
•    Draft Report on the Internet ecosystem; 
•    Draft Report on Satellite connectivity for universal service;
•    Draft Report on the best practices for ensuring equivalence of access and choice for disabled end-users.

Additionally, the speakers  introduced a new workflow regarding the IP interconnection ecosystem and the impact of the sending-party-pays principle (“OTT fair share”) on this ecosystem, on end-users and on competition.







Recorded video