BEREC Workshop "Digital networks developments: players and strategies“
BEREC is organising a virtual workshop on Digital networks developments: players and strategies on 14 March 2024 from 10:00 to 11:00 CET.
Large content and application providers (CAPs) have traditionally provided services on the client and server sides of the internet ecosystem. However, in the last decades, large CAPs have become prominent actors in the internet ecosystem and have been investing increasingly in own infrastructures and providing services closely related to electronic communication networks (ECN) and electronic communication services (ECS), or directly qualifying as such. Some typical examples include content delivery networks (CDNs), the deployment of extensive international networks (e.g. submarine cables and satellite constellations), virtualised network services, cloud computing with increasing ubiquity, as well as trends towards the provision of internet access services.
The transition to cloud-based networks is meant to entail a great sectoral transformation similarly to major past transitions such as the move from traditional voice-oriented networks to broadband-based networks offering Internet based services. Changes not only require network investment and adaptation by operators as previous network updates, but they also bring new players into the provision of the services that may eventually have a central role.
Against this backdrop, markets could face a complete reshaping that regulators will have to follow and understand.
Along these lines, BEREC is currently working on a Report on cloud and edge computing services and a Report on the entry of large content and application providers into the markets for electronic communications networks and services. Both reports will be available for public consultation from the 13th of March.
To feed this work, BEREC commissioned Plum Consulting Paris and Stratix- Hilversum, the Netherlands to deliver a Study on the trends and cloudification, virtualisation, and softwarisation in telecommunications. This forward-looking study describes the current technical and market trends, including competitive dynamics along the value chain, in the provisioning of electronic communications networks and services stemming from the virtualisation and cloudification of network elements. The study gathered the relevant information to identify potential regulatory and policy challenges arising therefrom.
The Planning and Future Trends and Digital Markets WGs co-chairs will present BEREC draft reports and the contractors the Study prepared for BEREC. We are inviting stakeholders and BEREC experts to share their insights on digital networks developments as well as any comments, information or suggestions on the draft reports that could help us for their finalization.
The participants are invited to register by filling in the registration form below by noon on 13 March 2024.
The workshop connection details will be provided to all registered participants by email closer to the event date.
Please be informed that the event will be recorded. By submitting the registration form below, you consent to audio-video recording of this meeting. In case of any questions, please contact the meeting organiser at [email protected]
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Watch the recorded video on our Multimedia page.