The images shows multiple microphones installed within a long table

Public debriefing on the outcomes of the 61st BEREC ordinary meetings

Event Date: 11 December 2024
Time: 14:00 - 15:45 CET
Event Location: Virtual

On 11 December 2024, BEREC will hold a public debriefing to present the outcomes of the 61st BEREC ordinary meetings. The public debriefing will be livestreamed on BEREC’s website and the link to the livestreaming will be available on the BEREC website shortly before the start of the event.

During the event the speakers will present and answer to questions on the following documents: 

To participate in the event, you must register in advance. Stakeholders are invited to engage with speakers  by submitting questions via a dedicated Q&A box on the BEREC website. You may also submit your questions through the registration form beforehand (any complex or detailed questions can be sent to [email protected]) and by the end of business on 10 December 2024.