19 October 2023
BEREC Chair’s participation in IIC Communications Policy and Regulation Week

BEREC Chair Prof. Kostas Masselos (EETT, Greece) participated as a distinguished speaker at the International Regulators Forum and the International Institute of Communications (IIC) Annual Conference. The events were part of the IIC annual Communications Policy and Regulation Week, hosted by the Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunication, Post, and Railway (BNetzA) in Cologne, Germany, on 16-19 October 2023.
More specifically, Prof. Masselos participated on 17 October, in the International Regulators Forum, contributing to a session titled "Fixed broadband rollout: copper switch-off and customer migration to fibre; licensing; competition; infrastructure sharing; technology choices." In his address, BEREC Chair underscored the pressing need for a swift transition to new technological choices, presenting BEREC's priorities and contributions to facilitate this transition.
On 18 October, Prof. Masselos was featured in the IIC Annual Conference session titled "Closing the digital divide", where he highlighted the significance of a multi-modal connectivity approach and outlined regulatory initiatives that address digital infrastructure gaps while fostering sustainable business models.
The IIC's Annual Communications Policy and Regulation Week is an esteemed gathering, drawing representatives from regulatory authorities, industry leaders, academics, and stakeholders in the telecommunications, media, and technology sectors. On the sidelines of these events, the BEREC Chair engaged in insightful meetings, exchanging ideas, and fostering collaborations, thereby reinforcing shared interests in the telecommunications and regulatory landscape.