30 October 2020
BEREC introduces new overview on the status of networks across Europe
The monthly BEREC summary report on the status of internet capacity has been updated with a new overview of the current situation in Europe. The Body of Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) has asked the national regulatory authorities to indicate the overall status on internet capacity in their respective countries by using a traffic light system.
25 NRAs have responded to the request, all indicating that networks are continuing to work well in October - ‘status green’.
No major network congestions were observed in October. In some countries, the data traffic demand across networks was trending higher, but thanks to measures taken by operators, there is sufficient capacity to meet demand.
The updated BEREC summary report also informs about the new tracing. On 19 October 2020, the EU interoperability gateway went live to exploit the full potential of contact tracing and warning apps across borders and save lives. Using the new European gateway, the Austrian, German, Irish and Italian national contact tracing apps can now exchange contact-tracing data with each other. Apps of the other Member States, which also use a decentralized approach, are likely to follow.