27 September 2021
BEREC opens doors to physical public debriefing on 6 October 2021
After numerous online public debriefings, BEREC is happy to inform that stakeholders are most welcome to join the BEREC Chair and the Working Group Co-chairs at the BEREC Public debriefing on 6 October 2021. The event will take place at the IRG Secretariat, Rue de la Science 14, Brussels, at 14:00 CET with livestreaming.
BEREC Chair Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT, Belgium) will present the outcomes of the BEREC plenary meetings that will take place in Croatia over 29 and 30 September 2021. During the public debriefing, the speakers will pay particular attention to the following topics:
- ex-ante regulation of digital gatekeepers;
- how to handle third-party payment charges on mobile phone bills;
- implementation of the Open Internet Regulation and the Recent CJEU rulings regarding net neutrality;
- regulatory treatment for fixed and mobile backhaul;
- harmonized definitions for indicators regarding over-the-top services relevant to electronic communications markets.
During the public debriefing, the incoming BEREC Chair 2022, Annemarie Sipkes (ACM, the Netherlands), will also remotely present the draft BEREC Work Programme 2022. The document will also be presented and discussed during the BEREC Stakeholder Forum on October 28 in Brussels.
In light of the pandemic, we request that stakeholders follow the restrictions set by the Belgian government regarding participation at public events. For more information about these restrictions: https://www.info-coronavirus.be/fr/faq/
The number of participants at the physical meeting is limited, and registration for physical attendance will be closed once the maximum number of participants is reached. Registered participants are welcome to arrive before the event to enjoy a light sandwich lunch and coffee, and to attend the reception that is organised after the event.
The livestreaming of the public debriefing will be available on the BEREC website with the functionality to ask questions to the speakers remotely.