09 September 2016
BEREC Stakeholder Forum 2016: registration open

On 17 October in Brussels BEREC is going to hold a 4th Stakeholder Forum. It will be devoted to the review of the EU regulatory framework for telecommunications, addressing the topics of connectivity and the digital environment. A draft BEREC Work Programme for the next year will be presented during the event. EU Commissioner for Digital Economy, Gunther Oettinger, and several telco CEOs will be amongst the speakers. More information and the agenda here.
The Forum is fully open to public but is subject to prior registration,
the deadline is 3 October 2016. As there are a limited number of seats for the event, registration will be on a first come, first served basis.
However live web streaming, with sign interpretation, will be provided on the BEREC website. Citizens and other interested parties will have an opportunity to watch it in real time and send comments or questions to the speakers through the official BEREC account on Twitter by using #BERECforum.
The BEREC Stakeholder Forum was established in 2013 with a view of providing direct interactive platform for discussion between BEREC and its stakeholders. This platform supports the traditional consultation process, taking place before the adoption of the BEREC documents. The Forum meetings focus on strategic issues related to the medium and long term vision and challenges for the electronic communications markets in Europe and consumer protection.