18 January 2013
BEREC wide overview of national administrative regimes in force for the provision of electronic communications networks and services (ECNS) in the EU
In 2011, BEREC carried out an analysis of the potential legal and administrative factors hindering the development of the internal market for business connectivity services; the analysis was made possible by contributions from stakeholders as well as from competent national regulatory authorities (NRAs), that allowed to provide a wide overview of national administrative regimes in force for the provision of electronic communications networks and services (ECNS) in the EU. The relevant “BEREC report on the impact of administrative requirements on the provision of transnational business electronic communication services” - BoR (11) 56 - was adopted in December 2011.
Within its role of contributor to the development of the internal market for ECNS, BEREC is now publishing, in the form of an excel table, the information collected from NRAs at that time concerning the administrative systems in place in their respective Countries, with a view to ensuring a high degree of transparency on the fulfillments envisaged nationally for the commencement of the activity as an ECNS provider, to the benefit of providers wishing to start operation in the EU.