20 October 2014
PRESS RELEASE from the 2nd BEREC Stakeholder Forum 2014

BEREC has arranged its second BEREC Stakeholder Forum. An extensive number of stakeholders were present and took active part in the discussions.
One of the key topics discussed was roaming where BEREC under the title "Looking for the future model for roaming" reached out to stakeholders for views and input to a future BEREC Opinion on roaming. A draft document for public consultation (a BEREC opinion) is envisaged in December this year and a final Opinion the first quarter of 2015. In this document BEREC will express its views on roaming. Earlier this week BEREC published a discussion paper with the purpose of initiate a discussion at the Stakeholder meeting and to raise relevant questions for the stakeholders to respond to.
A second topic discussed was the margin squeeze and economic replicability test under the title "Margin Squeeze test - what and how?".The draft reportis currently under public consultation. The work on margin squeeze and economic replicability test was initiated after the Commission recommendation on costing methodology and non-discrimination was decided in 2013.
The stakeholder forum also discussed BERECs strategic issues and the BEREC Strategy 2015-2017and Work Programme 2015. Both documents are currently under public consultation. The two documents have been drafted in parallel and aligned with each other and also with a process of aligning BEREC's working structure in order to ensure that BEREC is has a clear line in priorities and actions.
Brussels, 16 October 2014
About BEREC Stakeholder Forum
BEREC has in recent years become more active in engaging with stakeholders and BEREC Stakeholder forum is an important way to meet with stakeholders. The first Stakeholder forum was held in Riga in 2013. BEREC plan to hold stakeholder forums every year. BEREC aims to be a very transparent organisation and Stakeholder forum is one of the ways we interact with stakeholders.
BEREC is composed of a Board of Regulators consisting of the Heads of the 28 national regulatory authorities (NRAs). BEREC advises the European Commission and its member NRAs, and assists the European Parliament and Council, on issues related to the application of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications. BEREC seeks to ensure fair competition and consistency of regulation in the internal market for electronic communications, for the benefit of European consumers. In particular, it provides expert advice on market definitions, analysis and remedies, on the definition of transnational markets, and on cross-border disputes and numbering issues. BEREC also provides expert opinions on emerging challenges including the promotion of broadband, net neutrality and converging markets, and plays an active role in public discussions on these issues.
For further information:
Twitter official account @BERECeuropaeu