24 October 2014

The 2nd BEREC Stakeholder Forum Meeting - Video story

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Opening remarks

Göran Marby, 2014 BEREC Chair


BEREC Strategy and Work Programme 2015

Jack Hamande, 2014 BEREC Vice-Chair

Fatima Barros, 2014 BEREC Vice-Chair and 2015 incoming Chair


BEREC Strategy and Work Programme 2015 - part 2

Guillermo Beltrà, BEUC

Peter Mac Avock, EBU

Erzsebet Fitori, Director, ECTA

Cécil Ameil, ESOA

Francesco Versace, Regulatory Affairs Manager, ETNO

Karin Ahl, President, FTTH Council Europe

Martin Whitehead, Director, GSMA Europe

Danielle Jacobs, Chairman, INTUG

Caroline De Cock, Executive Director, VON Europe

Matthias Kurth, Executive Chairman, Cable Europe

Serafino Abate, Director, Operations & Projects CERRE


Margin Squeeze test - what and how?

Chair of the session Domagoj Jurjević, 2014 BEREC Vice-Chair

Margin Squeeze test, the BEREC draft report for public consultation - Annegret Groebel and Katja Mohar-Bastar, Co-Chairs of BEREC Regulatory Accounting EWG

Hartwig Tauber, Director General, FTTH Council Europe

Erzsebet Fitori, Director, ECTA

Francesco Versace, Regulatory Affairs Manager, ETNO


Looking for the future model for roaming - part 1

Chair of the session Asta Sihvonen-Punkka, 2014 BEREC Vice-Chair

Tentative BEREC views on roaming - Claudi Fauli and Elisabeth Dornetshumer, Co-chairs of BEREC Roaming EWG

Nick White, Executive Vice President INTUG

Jacques Bonifay, Chair, EAFM

Jorge Morillo, Manager, Corporate Regulation Europe, Telefónica S.A


Looking for the future model for roaming - part 2

Erzsebet Fitori, Director, ECTA

Francesco Versace, Regulatory Affairs Manager, ETNO

Guillermo Beltrà, BEUC

Closing Remarks     

Fatima Barros, 2014 BEREC Vice-Chair and 2015 incoming Chair