20 October 2014

Presentations from the 2nd BEREC Stakeholder forum are now on line

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BEREC Chair 2015 and BEREC Vice-chair (BIPT)

Presentation of the draft BEREC Strategy 2015-2017 and draft BEREC Work Programme 2015


Presentation of the views of EBU on the draft BEREC Strategy and Work Programme 2015


Background data presented by ECTA during the public hearing on the draft BEREC Strategy 2015-2017 and draft BEREC Work Programme 2015

ESOA Regulatory WG

Presentation of the views of the ESOA on the BEREC Strategy 2015-2017 and BEREC Work Programme 2015


Presentation of the views of CERRE on the draft BEREC Strategy and Work Programme 2015

FTTH Council Europe

Presentation of the views of the FTTH Council Europe on the draft BEREC 2015 Work Programme


Presentation of the BEREC Guidance on the regulatory accounting approach to the economic replicability test (ex-ante/sector specific margin squeeze tests)

FTTH Council Europe

Presentation of the views of the FTTH Council Europe on the draft BEREC Guidance on margin squeeze


Presentation of ETNO's views on the implementation of implementing the Economic Replicability Test to fulfil the EC Recommendation objectives


Margin squeeze test – what and how?


Looking for the Future Model for “Roaming” (presentation by INTUG)


EAFM presentation on the future model for roaming


Looking for the future model for roaming - presentation by GSMA


Towards a roaming surcharge-free Europe - presentation by ECTA


Looking for the Future Model for Roaming - presentation by ETNO


Looking for the future model for roaming - presentation by WIK